Sunday night and as usual Summer Weekends fly by way too fast!
On Friday I met with Michael and Erik at Sorso Lounge, Espresso, & Wine Bar. (My new favorite spot to meet with Potential Clients. Michael and Erik are a very nice couple that are planning a Tim Burton / Beetle Juice Halloween Wedding in 2020. I can't wait to hear back from them as my family lives and breathes Halloween!

On Saturday my Son Colby and I, were off to Carstairs with the Airdrie Scots Pipes and Drums to march in the Carstairs Beef and Barley day Parade. I have been playing Bass Drum with the Band for about a year, and Colby has been playing Snare drum since March. He is picking it up really quick, I'm very proud of him.

During all of this my oldest Minion Alex, was off to Red Lodge for the first time camping with friends with out any Parents. We went out to pick up Alex this afternoon and bring Birthday cake for his 17th Birthday.
They grow up far too fast!
